The film franchise Halloween, and its central character of iconic slasher Michael Myers, has over its 42 year legacy permeated international pop culture, with the masked figure making appearances in several mediums, including the American television series “Robot Chicken” and Seth McFarlane’s “Family Guy,” but did you know he also made a brief cameo in the Jennifer Love Hewitt CBS series “Ghost Whisperer” in 2008?
Appearing in the fifteenth episode of season three titled “Horror Show,” the Shape makes a “blink and you’ll miss it” appearance in the episode, knife in hand, as a jump scare in the living room of lead character Melinda (Love Hewitt), who finds herself caught up in a supernaturally charged investigation that turns a bit horrific.
Seems battling that fisherman in 1997’s I Know What You Did Last Summer (a film which directly homages John Carpenter’s classic Halloween in several scenes) isn’t the only slasher Love Hewitt’s encountered.
Check out the ad spot and scene below, which features Myers sporting an end credits Halloween: Resurrection inspired mask.